Any stage in the claim process WE CAN HELP.


New Claim

This type of claim allows us to eliminate any mistakes that your insurance adjuster might inadvertently make. This reduces the time a claim is out and gets you paid much faster because we are on top of the situation and have created our own estimate for their review.

Existing Claim

If you have a claim in process we will re-document and cross reference every aspect of your property loss/damage and usually find many things that were not originally included and other things that were not properly priced. We are paid only for additional money you receive.

Denied or Underpaid Claim

In most cases policyholders have up to 3 years to re-open a claim. We represent you to get the best possible settlement and restore your loss and damages.

Common Perils

Business Interruption

Tornado & Windstorm

Roof Damage





